Dublife All Stars : Reggae For Children

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Reggae for Children Album Dublife All Stars Art


I don’t know why it has taken me this long to make this album. I have always wanted to do an album of children’s songs. As I’ve watched my own children grow older before my eyes, I knew it was time. My memories are still fresh and vivid : new babies, fear, love , hope and that awful “drum machine and cartoon voice” children’s music stuck on repeat stream at home and in the car for 36 months straight! This then is an album for the children sure, but is also an album for us the parents as well. These are the songs I sang with my children. I hope you and your little ones will find find a few precious months of enjoyment with my versions of these classic songs. I also hope it helps make those daily drives in the car that much more fun for all of the mommies, daddies, grandmas and grandpas too.
Enjoy and please share with friends,

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